v0.5.1 - InDev

Welcome to a multiplayer platformer! Well, WASD to move player 1 and arrow keys for player 2, that kind of multiplayer.

Even though it only has 2 level, no level restart button/key and the level completion system isn't even there yet, this is just showcasing the basics. Be excited for more updates because they will add...

More Levels!

New Features!

Title Screen! (yay!)

Special Abilities!

Cheat Codes!

And... more, probably. Those are the only ones I KNOW I'm going to add... eventually.


Multiplayer Platformer.html 6.6 MB
Aug 13, 2021
Multiplayer Platformer.sb3 18 kB
Aug 13, 2021

Get Multiplayer (sort of) Platformer

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